Teen Compliance Form
I have been working with clients of all ages to help clear up their acne. It is my experience when it comes to treating clients under the age of 18 the outcome of their treatments varies and can be more difficult than treating adults.
If you are considering signing up your teenager for Valeria Zentner Skin Care Acne Control Program, it is highly recommend reading all the information on this website carefully so you have a better understanding of what our program is about. When it comes to treating teenagers there is a certain compliance level required in order to get the full benefits of our program.
Often I see parents who are desperate to clear up their teems acne but the teen is not as interested or not willing to make the necessary changes required to clear up his or her skin. If the teen is not 100% compliant with the home care and not willing to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes required he or she will not be able to achieve the results you are looking for.
You also have to take into consideration that teenagers go through many hormonal changes during puberty. These hormones have a significant effect on their skin and could be one of the main causes of their acne.
Examples of non-compliance:
• Not following the proper use of home care products.
• Skipping the use of home care products.
• Doesn't have the time to do the home care routine (school starts early or getting home late from practice).
• School and exams are extremely stressful and cause extra stress and anxiety.
• Eating fast food with friends after school.
• Eating sugary foods and drinking sodas.
• Not showering right after a workout
• Not willing to change her make up.
With all that said I have had many teen clients who achieved great results in our program because they were committed. The others only got partially clear because this program just wasn't the right choice for them. If you would like to book an appointment for your teenager I require both of you to be present at the first consultation, so together we can discuss if this is the right program for your teenager.
Some things to take into consideration:
• The success of the program will highly depend on the commitment level and maturity of the teenager.
• During the clearing process, the client may experience dry, flaky skin and may develop occasional break-outs.
• Certain dietary and lifestyle changes will be necessary to clear up acne-prone skin.
• During in-office treatments, clients are receiving extractions which may cause temporary redness in the skin.
• In order to achieve completely clear skin, you have to give up the daily use of all skincare and makeup products with pore-clogging ingredients.